Web _redirects File Specification

status: reliable
Commit History
GitHub ipfs/specs (inspect source, open issue)

The Web Redirects File specification is an extension of the Subdomain Gateway and DNSLink Gateway specifications.

Developers can enable URL redirects or rewrites by adding redirect rules to a file named _redirects stored underneath the root CID of their website.

This can be used, for example, to enable URL rewriting for hosting a single-page application, to redirect invalid URLs to a pretty 404 page, or to avoid link rot when moving to IPFS-based website hosting.

1. File Name and Location

The Redirects File MUST be named _redirects and stored underneath the root CID of the website.

2. File Format

The Redirects File MUST be a text file containing one or more lines with the following format (brackets indication optionality).

from to [status]

2.1 From

The path to redirect from.

2.2 To

The URL or path to redirect to.

2.3 Status

An optional integer specifying the HTTP status code to return from the request. Supported values are:

2.4 Placeholders

Placeholders are named variables that can be used to match path segments in the from path and inject them into the to path.

For example:

/posts/:month/:day/:year/:slug  /articles/:year/:month/:day/:slug

This rule will redirect a URL like /posts/06/15/2022/hello-world to /articles/2022/06/15/hello-world.

Implementation MUST error when the same placeholder name is used more than once in from.

Implementation MUST allow the same placeholder name to be used more than once in to.

2.4.1 Catch-All Splat

If a from path ends with an asterisk (i.e. *), the remainder of the from path is slurped up into the special :splat placeholder, which can then be injected into the to path.

For example:

/posts/* /articles/:splat

This rule will redirect a URL like /posts/2022/06/15/hello-world to /articles/2022/06/15/hello-world.

Splat logic MUST only apply to a single trailing asterisk, as this is a greedy match, consuming the remainder of the path.


Any line beginning with # MUST be treated as a comment and ignored at evaluation time.

For example:

# Redirect home to index.html
/home /index.html 301

is functionally equivalent to

/home /index.html 301

2.4.3 Line Termination

Lines MUST be separated from each other by either \n or \r\n.

Termination of the last line in the file is optional.

2.4.4 Whitespace Characters

Blank lines, leading and trailing whitespace characters like \x20 (space) or \t (tab) MUST be ignored, aside from the line termination mentioned above.

2.4.5 Max File Size

The file size MUST NOT exceed 64 KiB.

3. Evaluation

3.1 Same-Origin Requirement

Rules MUST only be evaluated in contexts where Same-Origin isolation per root CID is possible.

This requirement is fulfilled on a Subdomain or DNSLink HTTP Gateway, and also applies to a web browser with native ipfs:// and ipns:// scheme handler.

3.2 Order

Rules MUST be evaluated in order, redirecting or rewriting using the first matching rule.

The non-existent paths that are being requested should be intercepted and redirected to the destination path and the specified HTTP status code returned. The rules are evaluated in the order they appear in the file.

Any request for an existing file should be returned as is, and not intercepted by the last catch all rule.

3.3 No Forced Redirects

All redirect logic MUST only be evaluated if the requested path is not present in the DAG. This means that any performance impact associated with checking for the existence of a _redirects file or evaluating redirect rules will only be incurred for non-existent paths.

3.4 Error Handling

If the _redirects file exists but there is an error reading or parsing it, the errors MUST be returned to the user with a 500 HTTP status code.

3.5 Query Parameters

Implementations SHOULD retain any dynamic query parameters supplied by the user and pass them along in the Location header of the HTTP redirect response.

When merging these user-provided parameters with any static ones defined in the To field, the user’s dynamic values take precedence, overriding static ones in case of a conflict.

4. Security

This functionality will only be evaluated for Subdomain or DNSLink Gateways, to ensure that redirect paths are relative to the root CID hosted at the specified domain name.

Parsing of the _redirects file should be done safely to prevent any sort of injection vector or daemon crash.

The max file size helps to prevent an additional denial of service attack vector.

5. Appendix: notes for implementers

5.1 Test fixtures

Sample files for various test cases can be found in QmQyqMY5vUBSbSxyitJqthgwZunCQjDVtNd8ggVCxzuPQ4. Implementations SHOULD use it for internal testing.

$ ipfs ls QmQyqMY5vUBSbSxyitJqthgwZunCQjDVtNd8ggVCxzuPQ4
QmcBcFnKKqgpCVMxxGsriw9ByTVF6uDdKDMuEBq3m6f1bm - bad-codes/
QmYBhLYDwVFvxos9h8CGU2ibaY66QNgv8hpfewxaQrPiZj - examples/
QmU7ysGXwAtiV7aBarZASJsxKoKyKmd9Xrz2FFamSCbg8S - forced/
QmWHn2TunA1g7gQ7q9rwAoWuot2hMpojZ6cZ9ERsNKm5gE - good-codes/
QmRgpzYQESidTtTojN8zRWjiNs9Cy6o7KHRxh7kDpJm3KH - invalid/
QmYzMrtPyBv7LKiEAGLLRPtvqm3SjQYLWxwWQ2vnpxQwRd - newlines/
QmQTfvjGmvTfxFpUcZNLdTLuKV227KJkGiN6xooHVeVZAS - too-large/

For example, the "examples" site can be found in QmYBhLYDwVFvxos9h8CGU2ibaY66QNgv8hpfewxaQrPiZj.

$ ipfs ls /ipfs/QmYBhLYDwVFvxos9h8CGU2ibaY66QNgv8hpfewxaQrPiZj
Qmd9GD7Bauh6N2ZLfNnYS3b7QVAijbud83b8GE8LPMNBBP 7   404.html
QmSmR9NShZ89VEBrn9SBy7Xxvjw8Qe6XArD5GqtHvbtBM3 7   410.html
QmVQqj9oZig9tH3ENHo4bxV5pNgssUwFCXUjAJAVcZVbJG 7   451.html
QmZU3kboiyi9jV59D8Mw8wzuvsr3HmvskqhYRRhdFA8wRq 317 _redirects
QmaWDLb4gnJcJbT1Df5X3j91ysiwkkyxw6329NLiC1KMDR -   articles/
QmS6ZNKE9s8fsHoEnArsZXnzMWijKddhXXDsAev8LdTT5z 9   index.html
QmNwEgMrExwSsE8DCjZjahYfHUfkSWRhtqSkQUh4Fk3udD 7   one.html
QmVe2GcTbEPZkMbjVoQ9YieVGKCHmuHMcJ2kbSCzuBKh2s -   redirected-splat/
QmUGVnZaofnd5nEDvT2bxcFck7rHyJRbpXkh9znjrJNV92 7   two.html

The _redirects file is as follows.

$ ipfs cat /ipfs/QmYBhLYDwVFvxos9h8CGU2ibaY66QNgv8hpfewxaQrPiZj/_redirects
/redirect-one /one.html
/301-redirect-one /one.html 301
/302-redirect-two /two.html 302
/200-index /index.html 200
/posts/:year/:month/:day/:title /articles/:year/:month/:day/:title 301
/splat/* /redirected-splat/:splat 301
/not-found/* /404.html 404
/gone/* /410.html 410
/unavail/* /451.html 451
/* /index.html 200

A dedicated test vector with URL query parameter behavior can be found in bafybeiee3ltldvmfgsxiqazbatrkbvkl34eanbourajwnavhupb64nnbxa. Implementations SHOULD use it for internal testing when query parameter support is desired.

$ ipfs cat bafybeiee3ltldvmfgsxiqazbatrkbvkl34eanbourajwnavhupb64nnbxa/_redirects
# redirect to URL with some static query parameters
/source1/* /target-file?static-query1=static-val1&static-query2=static-val2 301

# redirect to URL where path segments are converted to query parameters
/source2/:code/:name /target-file?code=:code&name=:name 301

# catch-all redirect (test should make request with query parameters, and confirm response preserved them in returned Location header)
/source3/* https://example.net/target3/:splat 301

A. References

Key words for use in RFCs to Indicate Requirement Levels. S. Bradner. IETF. March 1997. Best Current Practice. URL: https://www.rfc-editor.org/rfc/rfc2119

B. Acknowledgments

We gratefully acknowledge the following individuals for their valuable contributions, ranging from minor suggestions to major insights, which have shaped and improved this specification.

Justin Johnson (Fission) GitHub
Marcin Rataj (Shipyard) GitHub