IPFS Standards

The purpose of IPFS Standards is to foster interoperability between independent implementations of the IPFS stack by producing Internet-grade specifications and test suites.

Specifying IPFS and the InterPlanetary stack.

The technology that powers the content-addressable web is being standardized here.


The specifications are broken up into multiple areas that cover the stack.


These documents define the architectural principles that IPFS is built upon, and can be used as tools to evaluate implementations and applications of IPFS.

IPFS Principles
IPFS is a suite of specifications and tools that are defined by two key characteristics: content-addressing and transport-agnosticity. This document provides context and details about these characteristics. In doing so it defines what is or is not an IPFS implementation.


Meta contains all the non-technical documents that conspire to make the standards project work: what the core values are, what the governance model is, how to produce documents, etc.

Code of Conduct
The code of conduct that all community participants are held to.
Spec for Specs
Specifies the format and system used to create and maintain specifications for the interplanetary stack.


Routing is the way to determine where to find a given content, peer, or IPNS record.

Delegated Routing V1 HTTP API
Delegated routing is a mechanism for IPFS implementations to use for offloading content routing, peer routing and naming to another process/server. This specification describes an HTTP API for delegated routing of content, peers, and IPNS.
Bitswap Protocol
Bitswap is a libp2p data exchange protocol for finding, sending and receiving content addressed blocks of data. It attempts to acquire blocks from the p2p network that have been requested by the client, and also send blocks to others who want them.


Exchange is the way to for sending and receiving content-addressed blocks of data.

Bitswap Protocol
Bitswap is a libp2p data exchange protocol for finding, sending and receiving content addressed blocks of data. It attempts to acquire blocks from the p2p network that have been requested by the client, and also send blocks to others who want them.
Trustless Gateway Specification
The minimal subset of HTTP Gateway response types facilitates data retrieval via CID and ensures integrity verification, all while eliminating the need to trust the gateway itself.
libp2p+HTTP Transport Gateway Specification
Describes how HTTP Gateway semantics can be used over libp2p transports and how libp2p can coexist with other HTTP services on the same host.

HTTP Gateways

IPFS Gateway acts as a bridge between traditional HTTP clients and IPFS. Through the gateway, users can download files, directories and other IPLD data stored in IPFS as if they were stored in a traditional web server.

Low-level HTTP semantics:

Path Gateway Specification
The comprehensive low-level HTTP Gateway enables the integration of IPFS resources into the HTTP stack through /ipfs and /ipns namespaces, supporting both deserialized and verifiable response types.
Trustless Gateway Specification
The minimal subset of HTTP Gateway response types facilitates data retrieval via CID and ensures integrity verification, all while eliminating the need to trust the gateway itself.
libp2p+HTTP Transport Gateway Specification
Describes how HTTP Gateway semantics can be used over libp2p transports and how libp2p can coexist with other HTTP services on the same host.

Web semantics (for website hosting and web browsers):

Subdomain Gateway Specification
Defines how HTTP Gateway can implement support for HTTP Host headers to enable isolated website hosting based on root CID-derived Origins. This ensures compatibility with native ipfs:// and ipns:// URIs, and aligns with the existing Same-origin security model in web browsers, including relative URL pathing and permission scopes of Web APIs.
DNSLink Gateway Specification
Defines how to utilize the HTTP Host header to serve a content path from a DNSLink record as a website under a particular DNS name.
Web _redirects File Specification
Defines how URL redirects and rewrites can be implemented by adding rules to a plain text file stored underneath the root CID of a website.


The InterPlanetary Naming System (IPNS) is a naming system responsible for creating, reading and updating mutable pointers to data.

IPNS Record and Protocol
Specifies the IPNS protocol in a language-agnostic manner, allowing everyone to create a compatible IPNS Record Publisher or Resolver.
IPNS PubSub Router
Specifies how to publish and retrieve IPNS records using libp2p PubSub router.

Content Filtering

How IPFS service operators can control the content hosted on their nodes.

Compact Denylist Format
How content blocking rules can be represented as a .deny file.

InterPlanetary Improvement Proposals

InterPlanetary Improvement Proposals (IPIP) are an orderly mechanism to consider changes to the IPFS specification. They are not changes to the specification itself, but their approval leads to a change in the specification.

IPIP-0484: Opt-in Filtering in Routing V1 HTTP API
IPIP-0428: Allowing V2-Only Records in IPNS
IPIP-0417: Delegated Peer Routing HTTP API
IPIP-0412: Signaling Block Order in CARs on HTTP Gateways
IPIP-0410: Streaming NDJSON in Routing HTTP API
IPIP-0402: Partial CAR Support on Trustless Gateways
IPIP-0386: Subdomain Gateway Interop with _redirects
IPIP-0383: Compact Denylist Format
IPIP-0379: Delegated IPNS HTTP API
IPIP-0351: IPNS Signed Records Response Format on HTTP Gateways
IPIP-0337: Delegated Content Routing HTTP API
IPIP-0328: JSON and CBOR Response Formats on HTTP Gateways
IPIP-0288: TAR Response Format on HTTP Gateways
IPIP-0002: _redirects File Support on Web Gateways
IPIP-0001: Lightweight Improvement Process for IPFS Specifications